Patient Bill of Rights
We want you to have the best possible care as prescribed or recommended by those treating you. We also want you to know what your rights are as a patient as well as what your obligations are to yourself, your physician and the Hospital.
Your Rights as a Patient
You have the right to:
1. Receive complete and current information concerning your diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis in terms you can be reasonably expected to understand.
2. Request a second opinion from another physician.
3. Participate actively in determining a course of treatment for yourself.
4. Determine the course of medical treatment for yourself and, if you are a pregnant woman, for your fetus. It is the policy of this Hospital that your doctor must consider your health and the health of your fetus in assessing the range of medically reasonable treatment options. Our physicians are committed to providing you with information to help you evaluate the risks and benefits both to you and your fetus of any recommended treatment or course of care.
5. Receive information that you need to give informed consent for any proposed procedure or treatment including information related to the risks, benefits and alternatives to the proposed procedure or treatment in light of your condition and current medical knowledge.
6. Refuse treatment and be told what effect this may have on your health, and to be informed of the other potential consequences of refusal.
7. Receive considerate and respectful care in a clean and safe environment.
8. Refuse to take part in research.
9. Know by name the physicians, nurses and other staff members responsible for your care.
10. Have privacy while in the Hospital and confidentiality of all information and records regarding your care.
11. Have language-interpreter services arranged by the Hospital.
12. Examine and receive an explanation of your bill.
13. Limit those persons who visit you.
14. Receive equal treatment at all times and under all circumstances, regardless of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, marital status, personal appearance, sexual orientation, veteran status, family responsibilities, disability, infectious disease, matriculation, political affiliation, source of income, or place of residence or business. For more information regarding the Hospital's policy on discrimination, please refer to the section of this guide entitled Services for Patients with Disabilities and Nondiscrimination Based on Disability.
15. Be advised should the Hospital propose to initiate court proceedings pertinent to your course of treatment.
16. Designate an individual to represent you in making decisions regarding your treatment and health care. Please ask your nurse for a copy of our brochure, Making Your Medical Choice Known, and our Advanced Directive Form.
Your Responsibilities
Rules and regulations pertaining to patient conduct are necessary to ensure that all patients are treated fairly and feel secure while in the Hospital. Your cooperation in these responsibilities will help us provide quality care and services. Good communication promotes good care. Talk to our staff and ask questions.